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Alexandre Emmanuel was born in Olinda, a city on the northeastern coast, in Pernambuco State of Brazil. He began to paint at an early age and by the time he was thirteen, he was already selling his artwork. 

After graduating from the University of Pernambuco with a degree in Architecture and Urban Studies with pos graduation in Urban Special Design for People with Physical and visual Disabilities. Alexandre completed a degree in painting at the Museum of Contemporary Arts and with the Group of Artists of Guaianasis Art Center in the historial city of Olinda. Soon thereafter, his interest in combining architecture with the visual arts led him to create a series of murals and Scenography, Costumes and Makeup which were well received by local critics in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. They included works at several theaters, hotels, resorts, schools and children's stores.

Shortly after his arrival in the U.S., Alexandre E. participated in a few Collective Art Exhibitions with a Brasilian Art Community: “6x6” Art Show at the Massachusetts Alliance of Portuguese Speakers (MAPS), “Mulher“, Community Art Museum of Somerville; “Brasil and the Arts“ at the Brasilian Art Cooperative (NYC), Brasilian’s Art Musician at the United Nations“ NYC. and the Brazilian Art Show (Safira Art Studio), NYC.

Emmanuel has had solo exhibitions in 12 states of Brazil as well as several venues abroad. Among them were four in his home state of Pernambuco: “Tudo” (All) Pernambuco State Convention Center; “Panorama”, Boa Vista Theatre Hall; ”Vida” (Life), Justice Memorial of Pernambuco and “Beberibe“ (River), Justice Memorial of Pernambuco in 2003; In the international arena, his work has been shown at the International Language Academy in Bournemouth, England when he was studying English. Special participation in a Collective Exhibition of Art at the Friendship Force in Atlanta, Georgia and Fort Meyers, Florida; and in Boston, Massachusetts where he lived for almost 16 years before moving to Raleigh, North Carolina in 2019.

Alexandre E. started to build his name as an International artist with his first Individual exhibition entitled Ambiguity, the Art-Promoter-Participation in the Seven Deadly Sins Art Exhibition of Art 2012; Individual Art-Show Black & White 2013; The Bailarina En Mi Vida 2014; Acqua 2017; Elements 2018; the Collective Exhibition of Art “Sex O”, as a Creator, Promoter and Final Executor of the Show at The Piano Craft Gallery 2019 - Boston. Exhibition of Art in Group “Abstract Matters” at the 311 Gallery of Art, Raleigh NC. 2020.